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Dr. Nikita Patel
Sep 27, 20222 min read
As an energy sensitive person, boundary setting is medicine.
So many people, especially the deeply caring, empathic and energy sensitive people have the hardest time saying NO. Yes, saying NO. This...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Mar 19, 20222 min read
How do you know that you are energy sensitive and empathic?
You relate with three or more of the points listed below: Get overwhelmed easily Your emotions change based on who you hang out with...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Mar 16, 20221 min read
What you believe is true!
Hello goddesses ❤️ If you believe that you cannot heal no matter what you do, then you are right. If you believe that you can permanently...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Mar 16, 20221 min read
What if I don't have to change?
Do you believe that you were abused - physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually - or abandoned because of THE WAY YOU LOOK...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Mar 8, 20221 min read
Mindbody medicine for pain
The pain arises out of resistance to body's natural flow. It's the judgement of the flow that leads to resistance. The depth of...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Feb 23, 20221 min read
Mindbody healing for auto-immunity
In auto-immunity, there is an inner conflict. The immune system's role is to protect, repair, detoxify and rejuvenate yourself - mind,...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Feb 23, 20221 min read
Toxic emotions
It's the suppression of the emotions that's toxic. Not the emotions itself.

Dr. Nikita Patel
Oct 23, 20203 min read
The Healing Power Within and Food Sensitivities
“It’s not the food that is dangerous. it’s what you think about the food that is” - Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len There is a...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Oct 21, 20202 min read
The Perfect diet!
So, what is the perfect diet? There are so many different diets that range from healthy to unhealthy. Clearly, the dis-ease supporting...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Oct 11, 20204 min read
What is your relationship with food?
First of all, let's talk about diets! The definition of 'diet': 1. My understanding - choosing certain foods habitually as part of your...

Dr. Nikita Patel
May 27, 20201 min read
The Therapeutic Order of Naturopathic Medicine
The first fundamental principle of naturopathic medicine is 'First, Do No Harm' and I strictly abide by that. A simple lifestyle change...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Sep 24, 20192 min read
Where Is Your Faith In Healing?
Few years ago, when I was an undergraduate student, a very dear friend of mine wrote this poem that ended up being published in a...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Sep 19, 20191 min read
I Cannot Heal You.
It is true. I cannot heal you. Only you can. You are your own healer. What I actually do is facilitate your healing. I help open up the...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Sep 13, 20191 min read
Forestbathing, Shinrin-Yoku
Bathing in the forest is medicine. How it works is not sure, but how much it works is pretty clear. Forest-bathing or Shinrin Yoku is a...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Aug 26, 20191 min read
You must have hope. Hope is what pulls you towards light - wellbeing, loving relationships, and wealth.

Dr. Nikita Patel
Feb 1, 20192 min read
Why is Nutrient Assessment Important?
How are your cells doing today? Don't know? Then a Nutrient Assessment might be in order. Here's the truth of it: If your body is missing...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Oct 3, 20182 min read
The Power of Vitamin D
Vitamin D: not only is it powerful, it's vital for good health. Although it's called a vitamin, D is actually a steroid hormone that acts...

Dr. Nikita Patel
Aug 24, 20182 min read
When the Skin Erupts: Healing Eczema and Psoriasis
When those painful, itchy patches of eczema and psoriasis erupt, naturopathic doctors ask, 'what is causing this condition to present at...
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